PUBG Mobile India launch date is expected to be announced soon, as the company uploaded an official teaser on YouTube. The India-specific PUBG game will be hitting the country very soon, as the latest development hints at an imminent PUBG Mobile India launch date. The official YouTube channel has teased the launch, but now the video has been made private. A recent update by PUBG Corporation also will not allow Indian players to play PUBG in India with the Korean and Japanese versions.
PUBG Mobile India Launch Soon, Confirmed: What To Expect?Â
This also is an indication that India will get it’s own PUBG game by June or maybe in a few weeks.
PUBG Mobile has several region-specific variants, PUBG Mobile Korea counties to be the most popular alternative for the global version, specially India. But the developers announced something surprising regarding the availability of the Korena version of the game in other countries. PUBG Kr in India can only be played till June 30.
The games accessibility will now only be restricted to only the two countries legally: Korea and Japan.
The restrictions will make not let Indian players play the Korean version of the game anymore, which must did after the ban in India.
This may also hint at that the Indian version of PUBG could be launching soon in the country. Recently the parent organisation, PUBG Corporation confirmed it will be putting up an Indian subsidiary and will launch a game in line with the Indian culture. PUBG Mobile India release could happen sometime in the next two months. Recently the corporation in India also posted a new job listing on LinkedIn for the India subsidiary, an Investment and Strategy Analyst who will be responsible for mergers and acquisitions in the country.
PUBG also posted another job posting on LinkedIn, a Product Manager in the country.
As of now PUBG has six job listings listed under PUBG Corporation, hinting at relaunch of PUBG Mobile India.
Recently the makers Krafton Inc said that they are in talks with Indian government and awaiting their approvals for PUBG Mobile India relaunch. Krafton communications representative said that they are awaiting for Indian governments consideration and decision.
Just a few days back Krafton also said PUBG Mobile India release will happen, and it’s very much on cards. Krafton is hopeful about PUBG’s comeback in India and working hard to release the Indian version of PUBG Mobile in the country. Kraftons corporate development boss Sean Hyunil Sohn at a recent event said it’s working hard to make a comeback. PUBG Mobile India launch will happen.
PUBG Mobile India was teased back in November during Diwali, but it has been repeatedly delayed due to issues with the Indian government. Banned amid the border tensions with China, the government is yet to grant permission to Krafton to release PUBG Mobile India in the country.Â
The company head made it pretty clear that they very much care about Indian market and are working hard to make it happen. We don’t have an official PUBG Mobile India release date, but it’s for sure the makers are trying their every bit to release the game in India. Krafton recently said that their latest PUBG: New State will release only after PUBG Mobile India launches in the country.