Issues such as human rights, justice, and racism were discussed at the meeting.

However Hunt is defending attending and speaking at the event.
“I attended the hui to speak, listen and discuss the experiences raised by the Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom, acknowledging that these experiences are part of a wider conversation about the importance of social inclusion and belonging in Aotearoa,” he says in a statement to Newshub.
“The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Christchurch massacres devotes an entire volume to the critical importance of social inclusion – the Human Rights Commission takes seriously the Inquiry’s report and recommendations.”
Hunt says the Human Rights Commission has a statutory duty to educate all New Zealanders about relationships, responsibilities, and rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Treaty of Waitangi.
“I commended the Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom for their instant response to the massacres in Christchurch on March 15, 2019. They immediately went to the mosque in Kirikiriroa to protect it from possible attack and to demonstrate solidarity,” he says.
“Later, they brought flowers to the mosque to show their respect for the Muslim community. In this way, they affirmed the importance of thriving relationships, honouring responsibilities and advancing all rights for everyone.
“I look forward to the Human Rights Commission further engaging with the Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom in the future, in an honest and constructive spirit.”
The Waikato Mongrel Mob has made attempts in recent years to reform and confront its past. Rangatira Sonny Fatupaito led the Kingdom away from other nationwide branches of the gang about four years ago.
In 2019, he said the Mob is now focussed on education, health, and employment while confronting the problems gang members have caused and suffered, such as suicide, violence, and alcohol and drug abuse.