Former president Jacob Zuma and EFF leader Julius Malema will be sharing a cup of tea this weekend, based on an exchange between the two on Twitter.

  • EFF leader Julius Malema will be going to Nkandla this weekend.
  • Malema reached out to Jacob Zuma on Twitter on Tuesday, requesting an audience with the former president.
  • Zuma agreed to Malema’s request, sparking a series of reactions from the light-hearted to the scathing.

They are former allies turned political enemies, but have they buried the hatchet?
Former president Jacob Zuma and EFF leader Julius Malema will be sharing a cup of tea this weekend, based on an exchange between the two on Twitter.
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Malema was invited to the former president’s Nkandla home after he requested an audience with Zuma.
The former president responded to Malema’s request, inviting Malema over, saying he had more than enough tea to share.
“As you know, Nkandla village is home for me and that is where my time is spent these days. Tea I have plenty of, you are more than welcome to come over for a cup,” Zuma tweeted.
Thobela Moshabi. I have seen your request to share a cup of tea. As you know, Nkandla village is home for me and that is where my time is spent these days. Tea I have plenty of, you are more than welcome to come over for a cup.
— Jacob G Zuma (@PresJGZuma) February 3, 2021
Malema jumped at the invitation, saying he would possibly arrive on the weekend.
He said the meeting was “in the best interest of our country”. Malema added that he would make arrangements with Ekurhuleni Mayor Mzwandile Masina.
Masina has been a vocal supporter of Zuma, and once claimed he would refuse to work under Cyril Ramaphosa should he win the ANC’s 2017 leadership race.
Thank you Baba, I will make a plan to arrive, possibly this weekend. I will take it further with your young man @mzwandileMasina for final details. Thank you for accepting my request promptly. It is in the best interest of our country. ????
— Julius Sello Malema (@Julius_S_Malema) February 3, 2021
Masina vowed to keep followers updated on the meeting between what he described as “two men who contributed to the constitutional being of SA”.
Tea session of @PresJGZuma and @Julius_S_Malema will be interesting and I’m sure the two men who contributed to the constitutional being of SA will provide a grate insight of how mature our democracy has become. Count down starts now, keep you posted!!!!
— Mzwandile Masina (@mzwandileMasina) February 3, 2021
However, those not invited to tea seemed less pleased with the arrangements, with some speculating at a political plot.
Outgoing Wits University vice-chancellor Adam Habib was particularly scathing, drawing parallels between a meeting of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin, two leaders responsible for the death of thousands.
Zuma’s ANC compatriot Derek Hanekom clearly didn’t see the funny side of the exchange, calling out the irony of the former president agreeing to the meeting despite his previous comments against Hanekom.
The Devil’s Pact! There was a similar between Hitler and Stalin signed in 1939.
— Adam Habib (@AdHabb) February 3, 2021
The head of the Ratanang Family Trust and On Point Engineering tender fixer and a French arms company negotiator turned Gupta middle man have announced they are planning to have tea on social media when they definitely have each other’s digits. Nothing dodgy to see here folks.
— Chester Missing (@chestermissing) February 3, 2021
What a joke! The man who called me an enemy agent for having coffee with Godrich Gardee now invites the President of the EFF to his home for tea!
— Derek Hanekom (@Derek_Hanekom) February 3, 2021
Malema has been a vocal critic of Zuma ever since Malema’s dismissal from the ANC in 2012.
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