President-elect Joe Biden plans to take 17 executive actions in the first hours of his presidency Wednesday, signing a flurry of executive orders, memoranda and directives to agencies implementing his first moves to address the coronavirus pandemic and undo s…

(CNN)President-elect Joe Biden plans to take 17 executive actions in the first hours of his presidency Wednesday, signing a flurry of executive orders, memoranda and directives to agencies implementing his first moves to address the coronavirus pandemic and undo some of Donald Trump’s signature policies.
The first-day actions include imposing a mask mandate on federal property and installing a coronavirus response coordinator to oversee the Biden White House’s efforts to distribute vaccines and medical supplies.
Biden also plans to reverse several of Trump’s attempts to withdraw from international agreements, rejoining the Paris climate accord and halting the United States’ departure from the World Health Organization — where Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, will lead the US delegation.
And he’ll undo some of Trump’s harshest immigration crackdowns, ending the ban on travel from some Muslim-majority countries and halting funding for the border wall.
Biden will sign the executive orders and memoranda in the Oval Office on Wednesday afternoon, his incoming press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters. Psaki and other top Biden officials said the first-day actions are only part of what will be a series of moves to undo Trump policies and implement Biden’s campaign promises in his first weeks in office.
Here’s a look at the 17 actions Biden will take on his first day in office: